Migrate to Mirror.xyz/HyperOracleBlog.eth
Feb 22, 2023
Future blog posts will be published at Mirror.xyz/HyperOracleBlog.eth.
About Hyper Oracle
Hyper Oracle is a programmable zkOracle network that safeguards blockchain security and decentralization. From indexing to smart contract automation, its meta apps make on-chain data verifiable and secure with math as a consensus. Hyper Oracle empowers developers to interact with blockchain data in new ways.
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/hyperoracle
Website: https://www.hyperoracle.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hyperoracle
Discord: https://discord.gg/MgyYbW9dQj
Blog: https://mirror.xyz/hyperoracleblog.eth
GitHub: https://github.com/hyperoracle